Release Notes

The latest updates to our payment software and features.

January 2025

Consumers can reply to messages sent from HubHubPortal

Previously, consumers could only initiate a message as part of the File Dispute or Hardship request process. We’ve expanded the functionality to also allow consumers to reply messages you send from Hub.

Notifying consumers when a ticket is closed is now optionalHub

When you close a ticket, you can opt to notify the consumer that the ticket has been closed. Once a ticket is closed, consumers can no longer reply to that message thread.

Contact Name automatically updated on Account LinkingHub

When a consumer links an account in Portal, Hub will automatically update the Contact Name.

Expanded Organization InformationHub

You can update information for your organization in Hub. Include a website, primary contact information, and your organization’s address.

December 2024
Include a custom signature on outgoing messagesHub

You can set a custom signature to include in your Organization’s outgoing messages.

Receive a Certificate of Completion with document signaturesHub

You’ll now receive Certificate of Completion automatically after a consumer electronically signs a document on the Portal. This certificate includes details about the document, the sender, and the signor.

October 2024

Send Documents to Portal UsersHub

You can now attach documents directly to Ticket replies! Supported file types include .doc, .pdf, .jpg, and .png, making it easy to share important information in multiple formats. Additionally, you have the option to request an agreement from the consumer. This feature prompts them to review and agree to the document terms, sending a confirmation copy to both you and the consumer for record-keeping.

Email Notifications for Contact Form SubmissionsHub

You’ll now receive an email alert whenever a consumer sends a message to your firm through Portal’s Contact Form. These notifications ensure you never miss a message, enabling you to respond promptly. To adjust your notification preferences, go to Organization Settings in Hub.

Support for Domain Verification for Branded Email SendingHub

We’ve introduced support for custom domain verification, allowing you to send branded emails through Hub that reinforce your organization’s professional identity. Verified domains add an extra layer of trust and credibility to your communications.

Batch Portal Invites Via EmailHub

Our Batch Portal Invite feature now includes an email option. After uploading a batch of consumers via CSV file, you can invite them to join your Portal directly through email—either individually or as a full batch. This complements existing options to copy a link or QR code for use in physical mail campaigns.

Automatic Contact Creation for New Email SendersHub

When you receive an email from an address that isn’t currently in your organization’s contact list, a new contact record is automatically created. This ensures you have an up-to-date list of consumer contacts for seamless communication.

Automatic Case Number Assignment for TicketsHub

All incoming Tickets now receive a unique case number, streamlining ticket tracking and enhancing organization. This feature simplifies follow-up and reporting, ensuring that each case is easily traceable.

Recurring Payment Details on Consumer ReceiptsPortal

Receipts can now be customized to display details of the consumer’s recurring payment schedule, providing greater transparency and clarity for consumers regarding their ongoing commitments.

Enhanced IVR Call LogsHub

We’ve improved the usability of IVR Call Logs by adding new data fields. Logs now include the duration of each call and the consumer’s file number, giving you more context and detail for each interaction.

August 2024

Consumers can submit documents with Dispute and Hardship forms.Portal

Consumers can send important documents through the Portal to provide evidence for a dispute or hardship request.

Merchants can view document attachments and respond to consumers in Hub.

IVR Call Transcript Now Viewable in Hub IVR

You can view a transcript of IVR calls in Hub. The transcript shows the system prompts and user input in sequence. For security reasons, payment information is redacted. These details will provide insight into how calls are being routed, allowing you to provide assistance to consumers who need help.

Portal Invites Hub

You can generate a portal invite link to provide the consumer. The link will take the consumer directly to the Portal with their file or account number pre-populated. You can send a portal invite links to consumers via email or text message, include the link in an email, or create a link-based QR code to include in your letters.

Add New Contacts Hub

We’ve added the ability to add consumers to your Contact list in Hub. If a consumer creates a Portal account from an invite link, Hub will automatically sync contact information allowing you to view communication preferences, click stream data, and other Portal information.

View Tickets By Contact Hub

When viewing a contact, you can view Tickets associated with the contact.

Consumers Can Request Receipt Email for Previous Portal Payments Portal

When consumers access a payment confirmation from the Payment History page in Portal, they now have the option to email a copy of the receipt to themselves. This can eliminate the need for consumers to request receipt emails. Receipts are currently available for payments made directly on the Portal. This doesn’t include VTerm payments or recurring payments.

Payment Due Reminders Email

If a consumer is on a payment plan, we can send payment due reminders in advance of the due date. You’re able to customize the number of days in advance. Note that this reminder doesn’t replace Scheduled Payment Reminders sent in advance of an upcoming post-dated payment or recurring payment.

Broken Payment Plan Notice Email

If a consumer misses a payment on their payment plan, we can send an email informing them that they’re payment plan has been broken. This feature is available for consumers who are on a payment plan that’s set up with a recurring payment.

February 2024

Monitor Google Analytics for Your Portal.Portal

Merchants can provide a Google Tag to view analytics for their Portal.

December 2023

Recurring payments will completely repay the balance.TREATMENTS

Previously, a recurring payment may have left a small balance if the final balance was lower than the consumer’s recurring payment amount.

Now, enabling our Tail Payments feature will automatically calculate the final balance and automatically include it in the recurring payment schedule.


September 2023

Consumers can submit dispute or hardship forms electronically . PORTAL

We’ve implemented a new feature that allows consumers to dispute a file or make a hardship request through the Portal. You can view and respond to consumer submissions through Console.

August 2023

Email multifactor authentication and email verification is consolidated into a single process. PORTAL

We require email verification for new users to be sure the consumer has access to the email address used at registration.

Now, users who opt for email multifactor authentication can complete their MFA setup and email verification in just one step.

Additional tracking to prevent automated payments on inactive recurring schedules. PORTAL

We’ve implemented a bug fix to prevent automatic payments on a recurring schedule that’s inactive, even when there’s a small remaining balance.

May 2023

IVR can prompt for phone number. IVR

To capture consumer phone numbers, you can optionally prompt to have the consumer enter a 10 or 11 digit phone number during the payment process. The entry is included with the payment record.

March 2023

Pop-ups are translated based on language selection. PORTAL

When the language option is enabled, consumers can view the information in their preferred language.

Multifactor authentication can be enabled. PORTAL

You can now offer multifactor authentication on the Portal to protect sensitive consumer information. For each Portal login, MFA requires a unique one-time security code that should be accessible only to the consumer.

Multifactor authentication can be off for all registered consumers, optional, or required.

February 2023

Recurring payments can consider a first and last amount on an installment plan. PORTAL

We updated the Portal to handle payment plans that have a different first or last amount. These payments are automatically scheduled along with the consumer’s regular monthly payment.

All communications to the consumer, e.g. payment confirmation, will include the details of the payment schedule.

January 2023

Limit the maximum number of recurring payments based on payment plan. TREATMENTS

If the plan details include a maximum number of payments, consumers won’t be able to set up a recurring plan that exceeds that amount.

October 2022

Portal users can make a payment when recurring schedule is completePORTAL

We updated the Portal to allow consumers to make a new payment when their recurring schedule has been completed.

Making receipts accessible online for registered Portal usersPORTAL

We’re making it easier for consumers to access previous receipts for payments or donations made on the Portal.

From the Payment History page, consumers can click confirmation number to view or print their receipt for a previous payment or donation.

Final payment description for Recurring Payments can be customizedTREATMENTS

Consumers receive a warning about any final payment due after their recurring payment is complete. We’ve added the ability to customize this language based on your needs.

June 2022

Customizations for recurring payments TREATMENTS

  • Set a minimum or maximum amount, or both. Payment limits can be a flat amount or a percentage of the balance, and can be set for a segment of consumers.
  • Allow recurring only for targeted consumers on installment plans. You can target consumers based on file information, like creditor or balance range.

Target consumers based on installment plan. Treatments
You can now target consumers based on whether they’re on an installment plan.

Improved messaging for maximum payment warning. PORTAL
We improved the onscreen alert when a consumer attempts a payment over the maximum amount allowed.

March 2022

Limit recurring payments TREATMENTS
Prevent segments of consumers from creating a recurring plan or setting a post-dated payment based on account data.

Spanish translation extended to all pages PORTAL
We’ve developed a secure, compliant solution for displaying Spanish translation throughout the Portal (specifically the billing details page). This change is now active on all Portals with Spanish translation enabled.

Unsubscribe blocked email addressesPORTAL
When a consumer email isn’t delivered, we won’t continue sending emails to that address. If the consumer later logs into the Portal, they’ll receive a notification to verify their email address.

February 2022

Send notifications when a scheduled payment failsALERTS
We’ve added a service to email consumers and merchants when a payment is not successful. This is an add-on service that applies to both same-day, post-dated, and recurring payments.

Limit payment amounts on ACH and Card transactions PAYMENTS
You can now set a maximum payment amount for each payment type accepted, e.g. Card or ACH. Installment plan payments above the maximum payment amount will be accepted.

Get more information about file import statusPORTAL
We’ve improved our file import emails to give more information about both successful and unsuccessful imports.

January 2022

Communications preference enhancementsPORTAL
Consumers who opt-out of communications through the email link can now set specific communication preferences (versus a blanket opt-out of all emails).

December 2021

Notice of intent to communicate PORTAL
At registration, we inform consumers that by providing their email address on the Portal, they give consent to email.

You can adjust your Terms and Conditions to alert consumers that providing an email address or phone number means they will receive communications related to their files.

Communications preference enhancements PORTAL
Consumers will be able to opt-out of collections-related emails by clicking on the opt-out link in relevant emails or by changing their Account Settings on the Portal. For now this includes Payment Reminders and Receipts.

We will continue to send software-related emails for things like registration confirmation and password resets.

Consent change reports ALERTS
We’ll provide a report of consumers who have changed their communication preferences so you can update your records and communication processes.

April 2021

Consumers can now use a military address for their billing address  PORTAL
This allows consumers who are stationed overseas to use their military address to make payments. We’ve added support for 11-digit phone numbers and APO/FPO billing address. Military address support is now active on all Portals.

November 2019

Terms and Conditions displays for guest payments PORTAL
If you’ve opted to display Terms & Conditions to consumers, they will now show for consumers making guest payments.

Improved address verification process PORTAL
Occasionally, an address can’t be located for a variety of reasons, like a new or unregistered address, for example. We’ve added a new zip code validation feature to prompt users to confirm a zip code when we’re unable to validate find their address.

Prompt users to update expired cards in their Wallet PORTAL
We’ve implemented a fix that requires users to update with a valid credit card the month after the card expires.

Alert users when we do not have enough data to validate their account PORTAL
Occasionally, a user will attempt to link an account that we do not have sufficient information available to validate. We have improved the experience for the user to provide more information about their account linking.

Improved user experience for mobile users PORTAL
We’ve improved the zip field on the billing information page for consumers who use the Safari mobile browser.

September 2019

Enhancements to account verification feature PORTAL

  • We can conditionally display verifiers based on data in the consumer’s file.
  • You can customize the number of verification questions that need to be answered correctly to link an account. The feature defaults to two correct answers.
  • Date of death is available as a verifier for situations where an account can be managed by a decedent’s heirs.
August 2019

Consumers can create recurring payments on installment plans PORTAL
Consumers who have an existing installment plan can now take care of their balance with automated recurring payments. This makes paying simpler and more convenient for consumers.

Optional minimum payment amount on line items PORTAL
The Line Items feature now supports minimum payment limits. The limit can be set for card or ACH payments separately or for the total amount across all line items.

July 2019

Users can make a payment without an account PORTAL
Consumers can quickly make a payment without completing file verification. However, the consumer hasn’t answered the verification questions, they won’t be able to view their balance. This is an optional feature if you allow unverified payments.

Customizable recurring payments PORTAL
Consumers can set up an automated recurring payment and customize their payment amount, date, number of payments, and payment intervals, e.g. weekly or monthly.

The Reg E disclosure can include the specific date of the month PORTAL
We’ve updated the Regulation E disclosure language for upcoming payments to be more specific and clear about payment timing.

Improve consistency with Back and Cancel buttons within the Portal PORTAL
We’ve improved the the user interface and experience by ensuring the buttons are the same on all pages.

Improved Date of Birth verification PORTAL
Consumers can verify their date of birth by clicking on the appropriate fields rather than using a keyboard shortcut.

Improved time zones display on payment receipts PORTAL
We’ve updated receipts to display the time of payment based on the consumer’s time zone.

Enhanced payment option presentment
Consumers will only be shown payment options above the minimum accepted amount.