Payment automation can transform small collection firms by enabling them to scale operations, reduce costs, and compete with large firms.
Collections Articles
Why Specialized Payment Software Is Critical for Collection Firms
Compare the features of general purpose payment tools and specialized collection payment software.
Data Encryption and Secure Payment Solutions in Debt Collection
Prioritizing data encryption and secure payment solutions protects clients, customers, and your collection firm.
Exploring Opportunities to Offer More Payment Flexibility
Consider offering more payment flexibility to improve customer satisfaction and increase the likelihood of debt repayment.
Driving Online Payments Through Traditional Letter Campaigns
Discover strategies for using mailed letters to drive online payments.
9 Benefits of Electronic Document Exchange for Collection Firms
Electronic document exchange offers several benefits for collection firms, making their operations more efficient and effective.
Getting to the Source of Payment Objections
Understanding the source of payment objections can help you connect with the consumer and work toward a mutual resolution.
How Friction in Online Payment Flow Impacts Consumer Payments
Discover where friction can show in your payment flow and ways to reduce it.
Insights for Data-Driven Strategies for Debt Portfolio Management
Discover how collection firms can use data analytics to assess portfolio performance, and improve collection strategies.
Get Started With HealPay
Discover the platform designed for businesses and organizations to effortlessly accept payments, automate workflows, and resolve more accounts.